The Importance of Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Diabetic Foot in Kolkata

The Importance of Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Diabetic Foot in Kolkata

Diabetes is a serious and life-long condition, and those with it face several challenges. One of these difficulties is the high cost of diabetic foot treatment. Unfortunately, diabetic foot treatment can be costly, particularly in Kolkata. This guide will go through the prices of diabetic foot treatment in Kolkata and what actions you can take to guarantee you get the finest care at the best price.

Diabetic Foot: What Is It?

Diabetic foot is a significant issue in those with diabetes or high blood sugar levels. Diabetes that is uncontrolled can result in severe nerve damage, foot ulcers, blisters, pain, and infections.

Diabetes patients have excessive glucose levels in their blood. Excess sugar consumption might harm nerves and blood vessels. Because the nerves and blood arteries supplying the foot are so lengthy, our feet, particularly the toes, are usually the first to be harmed. This issue frequently results in the creation of foot ulcers, deformities, and infections.

Assume that diabetic foot care is not started on time. In that instance, a foot ulcer forms and becomes infected, posing a significant risk. A surgeon may need to amputate a toe, foot, or part of the leg to prevent the infection from spreading further.

Diabetic Foot: What Causes It?

High Blood Glucose Levels:

High blood sugar levels are one of the major causes of the diabetic foot because they can damage blood vessels and nerves in the feet over time.

Nerve Injury:

Another cause of diabetic foot is nerve loss, which can result in numbness and diminished sensation in the feet. This makes diabetics’ detection of foot injuries or blisters more difficult, increasing the risk of infection.

Circulatory Issues:

Diabetic feet can also be caused by poor foot circulation. This can limit the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the feet, making wound healing more difficult and raising the risk of infection.

It’s critical to understand that these causes are linked, and people with diabetes frequently have a combination of high blood sugar levels, nerve damage, and circulation problems in their feet. We can avoid or manage diabetic foot by recognising the underlying causes.

Diabetic Foot: Why is an Early Diagnosis Necessary?

Diabetic foot diagnosis is critical since it can help prevent the condition from progressing and potentially avoid significant complications. Individuals with diabetes who develop diabetic foot symptoms such as foot pain or numbness, sluggish healing wounds or cuts, or swelling or redness of the foot should seek medical assistance from the best diabetic foot surgeon in Kolkata immediately. If neglected, the diabetic foot can lead to significant problems such as:

Infections of the Wound:

Diabetes-related foot ulcers can get infected, resulting in cellulitis, osteomyelitis, or even sepsis, a potentially fatal illness.

Gangrene can develop if a diabetic foot ulcer becomes septic and does not heal, leading to amputation.


In severe situations, the diabetic foot may necessitate amputation, which can considerably impact an individual’s quality of life.

Individuals with diabetes who seek medical assistance at the first sign of diabetic foot symptoms can receive the correct treatment and care to prevent the condition’s progression and avoid significant complications. Early detection is critical for preserving good foot health and preventing significant consequences.

Diabetes Foot Treatment

A. Medical Treatment

Anti-infective and Pain Reliever Medications 

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) are pain relievers that can be used to treat foot pain and inflammation.
  • Penicillin and other antibiotics may be used to prevent or cure foot infections.


Adequate Wound Care

  • Keeping a wounded foot clean and dry, as well as applying and changing bandages on a regular basis, can assist in avoiding infections and improve wound healing.
  • Topical or oral treatments such as growth hormones, silver dressings, or hyperbaric oxygen therapy may be used to hasten the healing process.

B. Surgical Techniques

Debridement of Dead Tissue 

  • This surgery involves the removal of dead or infected tissue to decrease infection and speed recovery.
  • Surgical excision, maggot therapy, and ultrasonic or hydro surgery are all debridement techniques.

Amputation (In Serious Cases)

  • In severe diabetic foot circumstances, amputation may be required to prevent infection or to relieve persistent pain.
  • Depending on the severity of the injury, amputation can be partial or total, and it can be performed on a toe, foot, or leg.

Cost of Diabetic Foot Treatment in Kolkata

  • Diabetes foot care in Kolkata can be costly, damaging families’ budgets. There are various therapeutic options available, including medication and amputation, and the cost of these therapies varies. In Kolkata, diabetic foot treatment ranges from Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 55,000.
  • Amputation may be required in some circumstances to treat diabetic feet, which can be costly. Amputation may be required to avoid infection, relieve discomfort, or improve healing prospects. Discuss the expense of therapy with your doctor before making a decision.

Medical Loans for Diabetic Foot Treatment via GMoney

GMoney provides a loan for diabetic foot treatment to assist diabetics in paying for diabetes-related treatments and surgeries. A GMoney loan for medical treatment can help make diabetic foot treatments more affordable and accessible to needy individuals. GMoney provides no-interest loans, no-cost medical EMI, and flexible repayment alternatives, allowing people to take charge of their health and finances. GMoney provides a reliable and secure platform for users to gain access to the tools they require to manage their diabetic feet and live a healthy lifestyle.


1. How can people with diabetes deal with foot pain?
Diabetics can manage foot pain by getting quick medical assistance, participating in physical therapy, using pain medicines, and avoiding behaviours that could cause further foot damage.

2. How can people with diabetes lower their risk of amputation?
Individuals with diabetes can lower their risk of amputation by obtaining frequent medical attention, practising adequate foot care, maintaining reasonable glycemic control, avoiding smoking, and according to the instructions of their healthcare professional.

3. Is it possible to reverse diabetic foot?
Diabetic foot severity can be lessened with adequate medication and care, although it may not be totally reversible.

4. Can diabetic patients feel total numbness in their feet?
Yes, diabetic feet can experience full numbness due to nerve damage induced by high blood sugar levels.

5. Can diabetic patients have tingling or burning sensations in their feet?
Yes, diabetic feet can experience tingling or burning sensations from nerve damage induced by high blood sugar levels.

6. What is the maximum age restriction for applying for a GMoney medical loan?
The maximum age to apply for a GMoney medical loan is 58 years.

7. Is there a minimum credit score required to apply for a GMoney medical loan?
GMoney may consider lower credit score applicants, but a higher credit score may boost the chances of approval and better loan terms.

8. Can I utilise a GMoney medical loan for out-of-country medical treatment?
Yes, medical loans from GMoney can be used for medical treatment both within and outside of India.


In conclusion, diabetic foot is a significant issue for people with diabetes, but it may be effectively managed with adequate prevention and treatment. Regular check-ups with a healthcare professional, appropriate glycemic management, and correct foot care education are all critical in preventing diabetic foot and maintaining good foot health. Individuals with diabetes are encouraged to take an active role in their foot care and to seek medical assistance if they develop diabetic foot symptoms



  • The information, graphics, images, and other materials contained on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
  • We suggest you to always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
  • Never disregard professional medical advice because of something you have read on this website.